Idemitsu Group's materiality (key challenges)


Idemitsu Group's materiality (key challenges)

Concept of materiality (key challenges)

We are aiming for continuous growth as a company while realizing a sustainable global environment and society through our business activities. We are working on seven materialities (key challenges) in line with our Basic Policy for 2030: “contribute to carbon neutrality / circular society” and “contribute to regional society (energy and mobility)” (social challenges to which our Group is contributing), “maximize employee growth and engagement” and “expanding DE&I” (challenges we are focusing on to achieve the first two materialities (key challenges)), “acceleration of digital innovations” and “progress in governance” (the foundation of our Group’s activities), and “ensure the health, safety, compliance and human rights” (basic requirements).

●Image of the relationship between the 2030 basic policy and materiality (key challenges)


List of materiality (key challenges)

Materiality KPI/monitoring indicators Main related
Item FY2023 Results Targets
1 Contribute to carbon neutrality /
circular society
CO₂ reduction amount
Compared to 2013
▲14.6% (compared to 2013) ▲46% (FY2030)
Carbon neutrality (FY2050)
住み続けられるまちづくりを つくる責任 つかう責任 気候変動に具体的な対策を 海の豊かさを守ろう
Contribute to Scope 3 Carbon Intensity
▲1.1% (compared to 2020)
▲10% (FY2030)
▲50% (FY2040)
Investments / business strategy Designated 4 key areas for investment towards CN in 2050 Carbon neutrality investment: Approx. 800.0 billion yen (Reviewed our FY2023-2030 strategic investments based on a timeline)
ROIC, targeted earnings ROIC: 8.4% (excluding inventory impact)
Operating + equity income (excluding inventory impact): 310.6 billion yen
7% (FY2030)
270.0 billion yen (FY2030)
2 Contribute to regional society
(energy and mobility)
Investments / business strategy Designated 4 key areas for investment towards CN in 2050 Carbon neutrality investment: Approx. 800.0 billion yen (Reviewed our FY2023-2030 strategic investments based on a timeline) エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう 住み続けられるまちづくりを
Number of customers 6,000 domestic service stations -
3 Maximize employee growth and
Idemitsu Engagement Index 70% (FY2024 actual result) 80% or more (FY2030) ジェンダー平等を実現しよう 働きがいも経済成長も
Investments in training per employee 52,000 yen 100,000 yen (FY2030)
4 Expanding DE&I Female recruiting ratio 47.3% (Total of graduates and above hired between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, new graduates and career hires) 50% or more (FY2030) ジェンダー平等を実現しよう 人や国の不平等をなくそう
Female ratio in managerial positions 4% 10% or more (FY2030)
Male ratio taking childcare leave 93% 100% (FY2030)
5 Acceleration of digital innovations DX investment 2.25 billion yen - 働きがいも経済成長も 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう 住み続けられるまちづくりを
Enhancement of productivity Implementing company-wide initiatives to support business structure reforms 30% (FY2025)
6 Progress in governance Effectiveness of the Board of Directors In addition to the questionnaire, for the first time, all outside directors were interviewed individually by a corporate lawyer who is familiar with the company's business situation. - 平和と公正をすべての人に
7 Ensure the health, safety, compliance and
human rights
Management health indicators Health checkup attendance rate: 100% 100% 人や国の不平等をなくそう 平和と公正をすべての人に
Safety indicators (# accidents, etc.) Number of serious accidents: 0
Number of fatal accidents: 0 at Idemitsu and 1 at partner companies
Major compliance violations 0 0
Human rights due diligence Human rights violations: 0 0

Relationship between materiality (key challenges) and SDGs

As a member of the international community, our group aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs. The 17 goals of the SDGs are interconnected, and our group's activities are particularly relevant to both areas that can contribute to achieving the goals and areas that need to be addressed because they may pose a burden through our business activities. recognizing.
Our group will advance technological development and put it into practice through our business in order to promote initiatives to minimize or eliminate the burden on social issues.

Areas that can particularly contribute to goal achievement

ジェンダー平等を実現しよう エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに 働きがいも経済成長も 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう 住み続けられるまちづくりを 気候変動に具体的な対策を

Areas that require attention as they may cause a load

安全な水とトイレを世界中に つくる責任 つかう責任 気候変動に具体的な対策を 海の豊かさを守ろう 陸の豊かさも守ろう

Materiality (key challenges) identification process

Our group identified materiality for the first time in 2019, recognized social issues important to us, and have been working on our business activities. While emphasizing continuity from these, we will review materiality in 2022, taking into account Medium-term Management Plan (2023-2025), Vision for 2050, and changes in the external environment, and set KPIs and monitoring indicators to implement a sustainability strategy. doing.


  1. StepIdentification of the issues
    Referring to international guidelines, SDGs, and evaluation items from ESG rating agencies, we identify environmental and social issues that may be related to our business activities and through them.
  2. StepConfirmation of their importance to stakeholders
    Conducted a survey of various stakeholders and evaluated the importance of each issue to internal and external stakeholders
  3. Step Alignment with company-wide strategy
    Verify the priority and validity of issues by aligning with Medium-term Management Plan
  4. Step Discussion and decision at management level
    Final decision is made after discussions at the management committee chaired by the president.


  1. StepOrganization of issues and linking them to Idemitsu’s initiatives
    • List environmental and social issues with reference to sustainability-related goals and guidelines (GRI standards, SASB, SDGs, ISO26000, etc.)
    • Organize the relationship between current business/initiatives and the above environmental/social issues (extract those that are related from both positive and negative perspectives)
  2. StepLink businesses and initiatives to issues
    Mapping linked environmental and social issues from a double materiality perspective and weighting each impact事業・取り組みと課題の紐づけイメージ
  3. Step Dialogue with stakeholders
    Based on the mapping results, we held dialogues with institutional investors, external experts, etc., and confirmed the validity of expectations and issues for our group.
  4. Step Discussion and decision at management level
    Final decision is made after discussions at the management committee chaired by the president.

2019 2019

  1. StepIdentification of the issues
    Referring to international guidelines, SDGs, and evaluation items from ESG rating agencies, we identify environmental and social issues that may be related to our business activities and through them.
  2. StepConfirmation of their importance to stakeholders
    Conducted a survey of various stakeholders and evaluated the importance of each issue to internal and external stakeholders
  3. Step Alignment with company-wide strategy
    Verify the priority and validity of issues by aligning with Medium-term Management Plan
  4. Step Discussion and decision at management level
    Final decision is made after discussions at the management committee chaired by the president.

2022 2022

  1. StepOrganization of issues and linking them to Idemitsu’s initiatives
    • List environmental and social issues with reference to sustainability-related goals and guidelines (GRI standards, SASB, SDGs, ISO26000, etc.)
    • Organize the relationship between current business/initiatives and the above environmental/social issues (extract those that are related from both positive and negative perspectives)
  2. StepLink businesses and initiatives to issues
    Mapping linked environmental and social issues from a double materiality perspective and weighting each impact事業・取り組みと課題の紐づけイメージ
  3. Step Dialogue with stakeholders
    Based on the mapping results, we held dialogues with institutional investors, external experts, etc., and confirmed the validity of expectations and issues for our group.
  4. Step Discussion and decision at management level
    Final decision is made after discussions at the management committee chaired by the president.