ESG data


・For the reporting Scope, please refer to the footnotes for each data point.
・The data for FY2023 indicated with (✔) has been assured by the Independent Practitioner.

GHG Emissions
 by Scope※1,2
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Scope 1 Thousand t-CO₂ 12,474 13,521 13,080  
t-CH₄  20,905 10,480 10,943  
t-HFC 0.298 0.294 0.179  
t-N₂O 431 392 472  
t-SF₆  0.002 0.003 0.004  
Thousand t-CO₂e 13,126 13,900 13,487 Total 7 GHGs (no use of PFCs, NF3) converted to carbon dioxide
Scope 2 Thousand t-CO₂ 630 559 473  
Scope3 (Category11) Thousand t-CO₂ 109,191 123,578 117,297 Use of sold products: Calculated based on coal/natural gas production and fuel/LPG production at refineries and complexes
Scope 1+2 Thousand t-CO₂ 13,105 14,080 13,553  
Thousand t-CO₂e 13,756 14,459 13,960 Total 7 GHGs (no use of PFCs, NF3) converted to carbon dioxide
Scope 1+2+3 Thousand t-CO₂ 122,296 137,658 130,850 Scope3 records category11 (only Independent Practitioner’s Assurance coverage)
Thousand t-CO₂e 122,947 138,038 131,257 Total 7 GHGs (no use of PFCs, NF3) converted to carbon dioxide
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

Trends in CO₂ Emissions
Scope 1+2 ※1,2
Thousand t-CO₂
Trends in CO₂ Emissions
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Scope 1+2 ※1, 2, 3
Thousand t-CO₂
This table shows the total emissions that are the basis for calculating CO2(Scope 1+2) reductions target for FY2030: 46% reduction compared to FY2013.
Changes in CO2 reduction rate Trends in CO2 reduction rate
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
CO2 Reduction Rate※1,2,3
Reduction rate for fiscal 2013 emissions
  • Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

  • The calculations of CO₂ emissions and reduction rates (FY2013, FY2021-2023) include Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.. On the other hand, the calculation of GHG emissions by Scope covers consolidated refining companies, etc. as of the reporting year, so the calculations for FY2021 do not include Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd., but the calculation for FY2022 includes it from June 2022 to March 2023, after it became a consolidated group company and the calculations for FY2023 include it from April 2023 to March 2024.

  • Historical data has been revised.

Trends in Carbon
Intensity Reduction Rate
third party
Warranty Coverage

Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Carbon Intensity
reduction rate
This table shows the reduction rate related to the Carbon Intensity target for FY2030 and FY2040: respectively 10% and 50% reductions reductions compared to FY2020.
  • Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

Scope 3 emissions (Idemitsu Kosan only) Unit FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Scope3 Category1: Purchased goods and services※1 Thousand t-CO₂ 15,732 15,504  
Category3: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope1 or 2)※1 Thousand t-CO₂ 4,207 2,918  
Category4: Upstream transportation and distribution Thousand t-CO₂ 2,648 2,509 Including those included in Scope 1 emissions
Category11: Use of sold products※1 Thousand t-CO₂ 127,853 123,241 Use of sold products: Calculated based on the volume of coal, natural gas, fuel and LPG, etc. sold by Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Category12: End-of-life treatment of sold products※1 Thousand t-CO₂ 5,791 5,843  

※ Calculated using AIST (The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) IDEA Ver. 3.2 and 3.3.

※1 Historical data has been revised.

GHG Emissions perUnit of Production
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Natural gas production※1,2
Unit: GHG emissions / natural gas production
Coal production※3
t-CO₂e /t
Unit: GHG emissions / coal production
Oil refining※4
Unit: GHG emissions / refinery throughput
Petrochemical plants※5
t-CO₂e /t
Unit: GHG emissions / petrochemicals production (ethylene equivalent)
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Idemitsu Gas Production (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd.

  • Ensham Resources Pty. Ltd.、Muswellbrook Coal Co., Ltd.、Boggabri Coal Pty. Ltd.

  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Petroleum), Aichi Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

  • Chiba Complex (Chemicals), Tokuyama Complex

Energy Consumption
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Heat quantity equivalent※2
Crude oil equivalent*1,2
Thousand kL
Unit energy consumption
Unit: Crude oil equivalent energy consumption (L) / atmospheric distillation equipment converted throughput (kL)
Unit energy consumption
(Petrochemical plant)※4
Unit: Crude oil equivalent energy consumption (kL) / ethylene equivalent production (t)
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Petroleum), Aichi Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

  • Chiba Complex (Chemicals), Tokuyama Complex

Amount of Water Resources Intake and Wastewater※2
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Seawater intake
Thousand tons
Industrial water intake
Thousand tons
Tap water intake
Thousand tons
Underground water intake
Thousand tons
Undergound water also contains hot water from geothermal power generation.
Total water intake
Thousand tons
Wastewater destination (sea)
Thousand tons
Wastewater destination (other)
Thousand tons
The destination includes reduced water (hot water) used in geothermal power generation.
Thousand tons
Water recycling rate※1
The water recycling rate only applies to industrial water.
(1.Industrial water intake: 85,178; 2.Industrial water use: 1,462,560; 3.Industrial water recycling: 1,377,383, Water recycling rate=3/2)
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

Water Withdrawal Rate
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Natural gas production※1,2
Unit: Water withdrawal / natural gas production
Coal production※3
Unit: Water withdrawal / coal production
Oil refining※4
Unit: Water withdrawal / refinery throughput
Petrochemical plants※5
Unit: Water withdrawal / petrochemicals production (ethylene equivalent)
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Idemitsu Gas Production (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd.

  • Ensham Resources Pty. Ltd.、Muswellbrook Coal Co., Ltd.、Boggabri Coal Pty. Ltd.

  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Petroleum), Aichi Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

  • Chiba Complex (Chemicals), Tokuyama Complex

Water Pollution Effects Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
COD ※1 t 205 206 198 Laws: Water Pollution Control Law
Total nitrogen※2 t 211 251 222
Total phosphorus※2 t 3.6 4.2 3.9
  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd. and major consolidated group companies

  • Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd. and major consolidated group companies

Air Pollutant Emissions※2 Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
SOx *1 t 8,263 10,660 10,047 Laws: Air Pollution Control Act
NOx *1 t 19,719 19,981 21,822
Soot/dust t 194 257 240
VOC t 6,265 7,235 6,474
  • Historical data has been revised.

  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd. and major consolidated group companies

Waste Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Total waste t 236,263 225,375 242,238 Total amount of industrial waste and specially controlled industrial waste
Laws: Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 86,197 82,554 85,399
Recycled t 113,599 106,908 115,369
Final disposal t 82 25 1,915
Final disposal rate % 0.035 0.011 0.791
  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Hazardous Waste Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Total waste t 7,978 6,970 14,274 Specially controlled industrial waste is defined as hazardous waste
Related laws and regulations: Waste treatment and cleaning laws
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 3,318 1,693 2,409
Recycled t 4,651 5,277 10,032
Final disposal t 9 0 1,833
Final disposal rate % 0.108 0.000 12.842
  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Non-Hazardous Waste Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Total waste t 228,989 218,405 227,964 Defining industrial waste as non-hazardous waste
Related laws and regulations: Waste treatment and cleaning laws
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 102,173 80,861 82,990
Recycled t 123,903 101,632 105,337
Final disposal t 73 25 82
Final disposal rate % 0.032 0.011 0.036
  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

CFC Leakage* Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
  t 0.5 0.3 1.2   Fidures based on Fluorocarbon calculation report of Law Concerningthe Discharge and Control of Fluorocarbons
  t-CO2e 1,097 586 2,057  
  • Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, Lubricants Research Laboratory, Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Performance Materials Laboratories, Narita hydrogen station, Hakodate oil terminal, Niigata Petroleum Import Terminal

Number of Serious Environmental Incidents Number of Serious Environmental Incidents*
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
  • Idemitsu Kosan and major affiliated companies

Acquisition Status of ISO 14001
(Environmental Management Systems)
Unit As of June 30,
As of June 30, 
As of June 30,
Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Domestic business sites Number of certifications 19 17 29   More than 94% of the Idemitsu Group’s CO2 emissions are from sites that have acquired ISO 14001 certificates.
Overseas business sites Number of certifications 13 13

Each Refineries/Complexes

Hokkaido Refinery
Crude oil throughput
Thousand kL
Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent)
Thousand kL *1
Unit energy consumption
kL/Thousand kL *2
Thousand tons
Industrial water
Thousand tons
Tap water
Thousand tons
Underground water
Thousand tons
CO2 emissions
Thousand t-CO₂
SOx emissions
NOx emissions
Thousand kL
Total nitrogen
Total phosphorus
Total waste
Reduced by intermediate treatment
Final disposal
  • The figure for energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) is calculated by subtracting the amount of by-product energy sold.

  • Unit energy consumption = Crude oil equivalent (L) / Atmospheric distillation equipment converted throughput (kL)

Chiba Complex Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Crude oil throughput Thousand kL 9,321 10,660 9,083
Petrochemical product manufacturing (Ethylene equivalent) Thousand tons 1,834 1,874 1,423
Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) Thousand kL *1 1,388 1,473 1,247
Unit energy consumption kL/Thousand kL *2 9.03 8.83 9.18
kL/t *3 0.33 0.32 0.35
Seawater Thousand tons 436,446 456,730 396,939
Industrial water Thousand tons 19,886 19,889 19,136
Tap water Thousand tons - - -
Underground water Thousand tons 402 343 329
CO2 emissions Thousand t-CO₂ 3,348 3,563 3,069
SOx emissions t 3,080 3,672 2,715
NOx emissions t 2,270 2,524 2,128
Soot/dust t 94 122 88
Wastewater Thousand kL 455,318 475,913 415,335
COD t 38 38 35
Total nitrogen t 68 65 65
Total phosphorus t 0.5 0.3 0.3
Total waste t 89,501 77,105 84,807
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 3,692 1,720 4,729
Recycled t 52,206 41,864 43,431
Final disposal t 13 5 6
  • The figure for energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) is calculated by subtracting the amount of by-product energy sold.

  • Unit energy consumption = Crude oil equivalent (L) / Atmospheric distillation equipment converted throughput (kL)

  • Unit energy consumption = Crude oil equivalent (L) / Ethylene equivalent production (t)

Aichi Complex Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Crude oil throughput Thousand kL 5,740 7,879 7,362
Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) Thousand kL *1 547 702 744
Unit energy consumption kL/Thousand kL *2 9.17 9.56 9.94
Seawater Thousand tons 198,874 237,441 242,017
Industrial water Thousand tons 11,978 13,629 15,462
Tap water Thousand tons 189 165 174
Underground water Thousand tons - - -
CO2 emissions Thousand t-CO₂ 1,528 1,910 2,040
SOx emissions t 504 736 940
NOx emissions t 1,061 1,362 1,445
Soot/dust t 37 50 49
Wastewater Thousand kL 211,041 251,235 257,652
COD t 8 10 16
Total nitrogen t 12 10 18
Total phosphorus t 1.1 1.2 1.0
Total waste t 78,586 68,666 66,869
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 50,159 45,396 43,249
Recycled t 26,716 21,988 22,036
Final disposal t 67 17 65
  • The figure for energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) is calculated by subtracting the amount of by-product energy sold.

  • Unit energy consumption = Crude oil equivalent (L) / Atmospheric distillation equipment converted throughput (kL)

Tokuyama Complex Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Petrochemical product manufacturing (Ethylene equivalent) Thousand tons 1,796 1,523 1,714
Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) Thousand kL *1 904 861 941
Unit energy consumption kL/t *2 0.50 0.57 0.55
Seawater Thousand tons 426,763 396,776 424,998
Industrial water Thousand tons 11,308 10,159 5,698
Tap water Thousand tons 191 202 195
Underground water Thousand tons - - -
CO2 emissions Thousand t-CO₂ 1,985 1,792 1,924
SOx emissions t 862 812 829
NOx emissions t 1,589 1,492 1,691
Soot/dust t 13 14 17
Wastewater Thousand kL 438,261 406,139 430,888
COD t 20 16 16
Total nitrogen t 16 14 16
Total phosphorus t 0.4 0.5 0.7
Total waste t 30,501 28,405 37,535
Reduced by intermediate treatment t 20,487 17,782 18,478
Recycled t 9,968 10,623 17,224
Final disposal t 0 0 1,833
  • The figure for energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) is calculated by subtracting the amount of by-product energy sold.

  • Unit energy consumption = Crude oil equivalent (L) / Ethylene equivalent production (t)

Discharge and Transfer of PRTR-Designated Substances in FY2023

Substance name Unit 合計 /
Total / Discharged amount –
 Emissions to atmosphere 
 (standard emission intensity)
合計 /
Total/Discharged amount –
Emissions to public water bodies
(standard emission intensity)
合計 /
Total/Discharged amount –
Emissions to soil
(standard emission intensity)
合計 /
Total/Transferred amount –
Disposed amount
(standard emission intensity)
1 - Water-soluble compounds of zinc t 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.4
20 141-43-5 2-aminoethanol t 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.2 51.2
33 1332-21-4 Asbestos t 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.3
53 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene t 9.4 0.0 0.0 2.4 11.8
80 1330-20-7 Xylene
(also known as dimethylbenzene)
t 26.8 0.1 0.0 3.2 30.1
104 75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane 
t 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
186 75-09-2 Dichloromethane
(also known as methylene chloride)
t 0.2 0.0 0.0 15.2 15.4
190 77-73-6 Dicyclopentadiene t 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3
219 624-92-0 Dimethyl disulfide t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2
232 68-12-2 N,N-dimethylformamide t 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0
238 61788-32-7 Hydrogenated terphenyl t 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0
240 100-42-5 Styrene t 18.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 19.0
243 - Dioxins mg-TEQ 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1
260 1897-45-6 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile
(also known as chlorothalonil or TPN)
t 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 25.0
300 108-88-3 Toluene
(also known as methylbenzene)
t 103.2 0.0 0.0 19.2 122.4
302 91-20-3 Naphthalene t 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.8
349 108-95-2 Phenol t 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.2
389 112-02-7 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride t 0.0 10.6 0.0 0.0 10.6
392 110-54-3 N-hexane t 239.1 0.0 0.0 9.4 248.5
400 71-43-2 Benzene t 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.6
412 - Manganese and its compounds t 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.9 9.9
629 110-82-7 Cyclohexane t 3.3 0.0 0.0 48.1 51.4
674 - Tetrahydrofuran t 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.8
691 - Trimethylbenzene t t 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 4.1
721 98-01-1 Furfural t 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0
731 142-82-5 Heptane t 21.4 0.0 0.0 3.7 25.1
  • Scope of Reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

  • Chemicals are not listed if the total volume of discharge and transfer is less than 0.1 ton per year.

  • Figures presented above may not be consistent with the totals since they are rounded off to one decimal place.

  • PRTR: Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement


・The scope of data is Idemitsu Kosan non-consolidated. However, the reporting scope of some data point differs from the others. For details, please refer to the notes for each data point.
・The data for FY2023 indicated with (✔) has been assured by the Independent Practitioner.

Status of Employees
※As of March 31, 2024
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Number of employees (combined number of members and employees in managerial positions) People 5,112 4,981 4,960 [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors)
Excluding employees seconded to other companies
  Men People 4,460 4,316 4,256
Women People 652 665 704
Percentage of women % 12.8 13.4 14.2
Foreign nationality People 41 36 29  
Percentage of foreign nationals % 0.8 0.7 0.6  
(over 60 years old)
People 634 433 595  
 (Over 65 years old)
People 112 160 144  
Number of members People 4,137 4,029 3,777   [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu hires (employees)
Excluding employees seconded to other companies
  Men People 3,510 3,397 3,177  
Women People 627 632 600  
Percentage of women % 15.2 15.7 15.9  
Number of employees in managerial positions 
(managers, general managers)
People 975 952 924 [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors)
Excluding employees seconded to other companies
  Men People 950 919 883
Women People 25 33 41
Percentage of women % 2.6 3.5 4.4
Of the numbers of employees in managerial positions, higher posts than general manager People 39 44 48  
  Men People 37 41 43  
Women People 2 3 5  
Percentage of women % 5.1 6.8 10.4  
Of the numbers of employees in managerial positions, lower posts than deputy general manager People 935 908 876  
  Men People 912 878 840  
Women People 23 30 36  
Percentage of women % 2.5 3.3 4.1  
Average age age 42.1 42.2 41.6 [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu hires (employees)
Excluding employees seconded to other companies
  Men age 42.4 42.5 41.8
Women age 40.1 40.5 40.7
Average years employed Year 18.6 18.5 18.0
  Men Year 19.0 18.9 18.3
Women Year 16.1 16.1 16.6
Basic wages received by men Management-level employees yen/month 691,727 688,951 693,770   [Aggregation target]
Idemitsu Kosan employment (employee, senior, full-time contract, advisor)
Staff members yen/month 371,354 342,687 354,626  
Bonuses received by men Management-level employees yen/year 4,131,412 5,201,780 5,387,778  
Staff members yen/year 2,048,839 2,401,878 2,592,877  
Basic wages received by women Management-level employees yen/month 676,088 664,407 664,054  
Staff members yen/month 334,948 319,638 331,811  
Bonuses received by women Management-level employees yen/year 4,302,342 4,699,277 4,738,437  
Staff members yen/year 1,827,210 1,995,833 2,194,812  
Average salary (The average of the total monthly salary and bonus) yen/year - - 9,800,598   [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires (employees, seniors, advisors) Excluding employees seconded to other companies, and employees seconded from other companies
Average gender salary gap - - 73.4   Average gender salary gap: The difference between the average salary of male full-pay relevant employees and female full-pay relevant employees.
※The gender gap in salary is not considered to stem from the remuneration structures or systems, but rather from factors such as disparities in the grade system. There is no disparity in the remuneration system based on gender, gender identity, or other personal attributes. The observed salary differences are due to variations in the composition of employees by grade. We will work towards ensuring diversity at management levels that is not influenced by characteristics such as gender.
Status of employees with disabilities
※As of June 1, 2024
Percentage % 2.35 2.50 2.55 [Scope of Reporting]
Scope of Reporting: Idemitsu hires (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors) Including employees seconded to other companies, but excluding employees seconded from other companies
Based on the calculation method of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Number People 124 125 127  
Number of employees (Consolidated) People 14,209 14,363 13,991   [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu and consolidated subsidiaries (FY2021: 62 companies, FY2022: 63 companies,FY2023: 58 companies)
Turnover rate  (Including honorable retreat) % 3.97 4.22 4.50   [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors)
Excluding employees seconded to other companies
Voluntary retirement rate % 2.13 2.29 2.22  
New graduate retention rate
 (Average for newly hired employees between 2019 and 2021)
% 89.6 89.3 88.6 [Scope of Reporting] 
Results are from Idemitsu's direct hires Retention rate: Average rate of three-year retention of new graduates in the relevant fiscal years
Turnover rate: Average rate of new graduates within three years of employment in the relevant fiscal year
Turnover rate of new graduates
(Average for newly hired employees between 2019 and 2021)
% 7.9 10.0 10.6
Status of Recruitment Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Recruitment of new graduates
※Hired in April 2024
People 131 87 101 [Scope of Reporting]
 Results are from Idemitsu's direct hires Data in parentheses FY2022 and FY2023 are for college graduates or higher.
(48) (63)
  Men People 107 70 72
(32) (38)
Women People 24 17 29
(16) (twenty five)
Percentage of women % 18.3 19.5 28.7
(33.3) (39.7)
Foreign nationality People 1 1 0
(1) (0)
Percentage of foreign nationals % 0.8 1.1 0
(2.1) (0.0)
Career recruitment
※Hired in FY2023
People 62 33 51 [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu Kosan's direct employment records for hires made between April 1 and March 31
  Women People - - 28  
Percentage of women % - - 54.9  
Female hiring ratio Percentage of women % 18.0 39.5 47.3 [Scope of Reporting]
Results are from Idemitsu’s direct hires college graduates or higher (Recruitment of new graduates, and Career) between April 1 and March 31.
Work-Life Balance Support Systems and Usage Numbers Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Maternity leave Women People 30 31 26 [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu hires (employees, including employees seconded to other companies)
※By law, only the Men's childcare leave acquisition rate is required to be disclosed. In our company, we also calculate the childcare leave acquisition rate using the same approach as for Women's childcare leave. For women, there may be instances where the fiscal year of childbirth and the fiscal year in which childcare leave is taken do not align, leading to situations where the acquisition rate exceeds 100% when using the statutory calculation formula.
Childcare leave People 108 168 198
  Men People 49 142 176
Women People 59 26 22
Rate of employees taking childcare leave % - 86 94
  Men % - 84 93
Women % - 96 110
Rate of employees returning to work after childcare leave % - 100 100
  Men % - 100 100
Women % 100 100 100
Nursing care leave People 5 8 7
  Men People 3 7 4
Women People 2 1 3
Reduced working hours for parenting People 62 50 61
  Men People 0 3 4
Women People 62 47 57
Leave to care for sick/injured child People 226 228 257
  Men People 133 121 137
Women People 93 107 120
Family care leave People 43 56 84
  Men People 35 44 69
Women People 8 12 15
Telecommuting People 4,581 4,592 4,213
  Men People 3,976 4,033 3,585
Women People 605 559 628
Self-development leave of absence People 0 3 4
  Men People 0 1 2
Women People 0 2 2
Volunteer leave of absence People 0 0 0  
  Men People 0 0 0  
Women People 0 0 0  
Cessation from work by employees whose spouses are transferred to countries abroad People 8 10 8  
  Men People 0 0 0  
Women People 8 10 8  
Overtime Work and Annual Paid Leave
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Average overtime work hours per employee hours/month 20.8 20.5 20.1 [Scope of Reporting] 
Idemitsu hires (employees)
Excluding employees on leave and seconded employees
Results of overtime work is excluding employees in managerial positions
Average annual paid leave taken by an employee Days15.3 16.9 17.5
Average usage rate of annual paid leave per employee % 75.3 83.0 85.4
Training Results Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Training hours Total hours 81,653 74,722 68,252 [Scope of Reporting]
Results for Idemitsu non-consolidated from training organized by the Human Resources Department
Per person hours 15.6 12.8 11.8
Amount of investment in training Total Thousand yen 235,400 247,810 299,138
Per person Thousand yen 45 43 52
Occupational Accident Results Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Fatalities due to occupational accidents Employee People 0 0 0 [Scope of Reporting]
Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Including Prime Polymer Co., Ltd. Anesaki Works), Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co., Ltd.
※Until FY2021, Chiba Complex includes BASF Idemitsu Co., Ltd..
■ Employees: Including employee of group refinery companies listed above
■ Employee of partner companies: Including employees of Idemitsu Plantec Group
[Reporting period] From January to December
[Calculation Method]
Frequency rate= (Number of casualties due to occupational accidents/hours of actual work) ×1,000,000
Severity rate= (Number of lost working days/hours of actual work) ×1,000
TRIFR= (Number of overall occupational accidents/hours of actual work)×1,000,000
LTIFR= (Number of accidents resulting in lost work days/hours of actual work)×1,000,000
Employees of partner companies People 1 0 0
Fatal accidents Employee Cases 0 0 0  
Employees of partner companies Cases 1 0 0  
Accidents resulting in lost time injuries Employee Cases 5 1 4  
Employees of partner companies Cases 6 5 12  
Accidents not resulting in lost time injuries Employee Cases 12 10 5  
Employees of partner companies Cases 29 24 24  
Frequency rate Employee - 0.74 0.15 0.60
Employees of partner companies - 0.41 0.46 0.98
Severity rate Employee - 0.01 0.00 0.01
Employees of partner companies - 0.52 0.02 0.04
(Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate)
Employee - 2.51 1.62 1.35
Employees of partner companies - 2.41 2.66 2.72
(Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate)
Employee - 0.74 0.15 0.60
Employees of partner companies - 0.41 0.46 0.98
Process Safety Accident Results Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third partyIndependent Practitioner's Assurance Note
Serious accidents Cases 0 0 0 [Scope of Reporting]
Idemitsu and major group companies
Acquisition Status of ISO 45001
(Eoccupational Health and Safety
Management Systems (OHSMS))
Unit As of June 30,
As of June 30, 
As of June 30,
third party
Warranty Coverage
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Domestic and overseas business sites Number of certifications - - 10    
Acquisition Status of 
ISO 9001(Quality 
Management Systems)
Acquisition status
As of June 30,
As of June 30,
As of June 30,
third party
Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Domestic and overseas business sites
Number of certifications
Results Related to Health Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Note
Periodic medical checkup participation rate % 99.9 99.9 100.0 [Scope of Reporting] Idemitsu hires, including employees seconded to other companies but excluding employees seconded from other companies and overseas workers
Ratio of employees who underwent follow-up medical checkups % 89.1 89.0 91.1 [Scope of follow-up medical checkups] Including non-mandatory items
Ratio of employees requiring blood pressure control measures % 0.2 0.1 0.1 [Calculation criteria] Individuals whose systolic blood pressure is 180mmHg or higher or whose diastolic blood pressure is 110mmHg or higher
Ratio of employees requiring diabetes control measures % 0.6 0.5 0.5 [Calculation criteria] Individuals with an HbA1c level of 8.0% or higher
Ratio of employees who received health guidance after being diagnosed as high risk % 92.3 94.6 97.0 [Calculation criteria] Individuals considered as requiring control measures for BMI, blood pressure, ALT/HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, neutral lipid or HbA1c in order to meet Idemitsu’s standards
Ratio of employees who receive ongoing assistance after being diagnosed as high risk % 62.3 75.2 70.4 [Scope of Reporting] Individuals under Idemitsu hires who are supervised by Head Office’s medical office (including employees seconded to other companies but excluding employees seconded from other companies and overseas workers)
Ratio of employees not considered as requiring weight control measures % 66.2 65.2 64.8 [Calculation criteria] Individuals whose BMI ranges from 18.5 to below 25.0
The result of the medical examination questionnaire Ratio of employees who smokes % 20.9 20.6 20.9  
Ratio of employees who maintain exercise habits % 36.7 37.0 37.3 [Calculation criteria] Individuals who engage in at least 30 minutes of physical exercise twice a week
Ratio of employees with no sleeping issues inhibiting sufficient rest % 78.1 75.9 75.4  
Ratio of employees who maintain a regular drinking habit % 15.1 17.8 20.2 [Calculation criteria] Individuals who habitually drink alcohol in a quantity equivalent to at least 360ml of rice wine on a daily basis or several days a week
Ratio of employees who eat breakfast % 75.9 74.9 73.7 [Calculation criteria] Individuals who eat breakfast at least five times a week
Ratio of employees deemed to practice robust self healthcare % 27.6 28.0 27.8 [Calculation criteria] Individuals with no lifestyle-related issues, such as smoking, a lack of exercise, poor sleeping, a regular drinking habit, or failure to eat breakfast
Ratio of employees who took leave due to mental health issues % 1.5 1.7 1.6 [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires, including employees seconded to other companies and overseas workers but excluding employees seconded from other companies
[Calculation criteria] 
Individuals who took at least a full month of leave due to mental health issues (two or more rounds of such leave taken within a single fiscal year are counted separately)
Employee stress checks Participation rate % 89.3 88.8 88.0 [Scope of Reporting]
 Idemitsu hires, including overseas workers but excluding employees seconded to other companies and employees seconded from other companies
Ratio of employees exposed to a high level of stress % 7.7 7.8 7.5 [Scope of Reporting] 
Individuals who underwent stress checks
[High[Criteria for a high level of stress] stress standard]
 Based on standards recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Presenteeism % - 19.2 20.3 [Calculation Criteria] A drop degree of the productivity by the aggravation of the mental and physical health condition. The standard uses the University of Tokyo (SPQ).


・The scope of data is Idemitsu Kosan non-consolidated.

Composition of Executive
※As of June 30, 2024
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Directors People 11 11 11 10
  Of the numbers mentioned above, Outside Directors People 4
(Female 2)
(Female 2)
(Female 2)
(Female 2)
Audit & Supervisory Board Members People 4 4 4 4
  Of the numbers mentioned above, Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members People 2 2 2 2
Number of Convened Meetings of the Board of Directors, etc. Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Board of directors Number of meetings times 15 15 15
Average rate of attendance % 100.0 99.4 99.4
Audit & Supervisory Board Number of meetings times 16 16 16
Average rate of attendance % 100 100 100
Compliance Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Note
serious compliance violation Cases 0 2 0 [Scope of Reporting]
Idemitsu and affiliated companies
Number of cases of corruption and bribery Cases 0 0 0
Number of employee disciplinary actions related to corruption and bribery Cases 0 0 0
Tax compliance violation Cases 0 0 0 [Scope of Reporting]
Idemitsu and affiliated companies substantially controlled by Idemitsu (Companies of which Idemitsu hold more than 50% shares except for Astomos Energy Corporation)
information security Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Note
Serious information security violation Cases 0 0 0 [Scope of Reporting]
Idemitsu and affiliated companies
Serious violations of personal information Cases 0 0 0
intellectual property Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Note
Number of patents published applications Japan Cases 233 251 192 [Scope of Reporting]
Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd., Idemitsu Unitech Co., Ltd., IDEMITSU FINE COMPOSITES CO., LTD., Solar Frontier K.K, NIPPON GREASE Co., Ltd., Idemitsu Engineering Co., Ltd., IDEMITSU CREDIT CO., LTD.
Overseas Cases 143 194 169
Number of registered patents held Japan Cases 2,050 1,975 1,942
Overseas Cases 3,538 3,599 3,599

Graph collection

● Resource inputs and environmental footprints attributable to the Idemitsu Group’s operations in FY2023

Status of Resources input and environmental impact

*Ratio data may not add up to the total due to rounding.

Status of Resources input and environmental impact

*Ratio data may not add up to the total due to rounding.

Status of Resources input and environmental impact

*Ratio data may not add up to the total due to rounding.

●CO₂ emissions (Scope1, 2, 3)

CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) results

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) results

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) results

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

●CO₂ emissions (Scope1+2)

CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) actual trends

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) actual trends

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) actual trends

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu, consolidated refining companies (TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.) and major consolidated group companies

●Breakdown of waste disposal in FY2023

Breakdown of waste treatment

*The amount of waste generated does not match the total value of each disposal amount in the figure, as it includes the amount of waste disposed of internally.
*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Breakdown of waste treatment

*The amount of waste generated does not match the total value of each disposal amount in the figure, as it includes the amount of waste disposed of internally.
*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Breakdown of waste treatment

*The amount of waste generated does not match the total value of each disposal amount in the figure, as it includes the amount of waste disposed of internally.
*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

●Final disposal rate at group refineries

Final waste disposal rate at group Refinery

*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Final waste disposal rate at group Refinery

*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

Final waste disposal rate at group Refinery

*Total amount of Industrial waste and Specially controlled industrial waste.
*Scope of reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex, Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co.,Ltd.

●Idemitsu Engagement Index

Idemitsu Engagement Index

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu employees (excludes employees seconded to other companies)

Idemitsu Engagement Index

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu employees (excludes employees seconded to other companies)

Idemitsu Engagement Index

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu employees (excludes employees seconded to other companies)

●Female ratio in managerial positions

Female ratio in managerial positions

*Idemitsu employees (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors) including employees seconded to other companies

Female ratio in managerial positions

*Idemitsu employees (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors) including employees seconded to other companies

Female ratio in managerial positions

*Idemitsu employees (employees, seniors, full-time contract employees, and advisors) including employees seconded to other companies

●Female recruiting ratio

Female hiring ratio

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu’s direct hires college graduates or higher (Recruitment of new graduates, and Career) between April 1 and March 31

Female hiring ratio

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu’s direct hires college graduates or higher (Recruitment of new graduates, and Career) between April 1 and March 31

Female hiring ratio

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu’s direct hires college graduates or higher (Recruitment of new graduates, and Career) between April 1 and March 31

●Male ratio taking childcare leave

Male ratio taking childcare leave

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu hires (employees, including employees seconded to other companies)
*Results as of the end of the fiscal year for all data
*The above includes parental leave for childcare purposes

Male ratio taking childcare leave

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu hires (employees, including employees seconded to other companies)
*Results as of the end of the fiscal year for all data
*The above includes parental leave for childcare purposes

Male ratio taking childcare leave

*Scope of reporting: Idemitsu hires (employees, including employees seconded to other companies)
*Results as of the end of the fiscal year for all data
*The above includes parental leave for childcare purposes

●Investments in training per employee

Training investment amount per employee
Training investment amount per employee
Training investment amount per employee

●Occupational accidents frequency rate (accident incidence frequency)

Trends in occupational accident frequency rate
Trends in occupational accident frequency rate
Trends in occupational accident frequency rate

●Severity rate (degree of accident severity)

Change in intensity rate

*Scope of Reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Including Prime Polymer Co., Ltd. Anesaki Works), Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co., Ltd.*Until FY2021, Chiba Complex includes BASF Idemitsu Co., Ltd..
・Employees: Including employee of group refinery companies listed above
・Employee of partner companies: Including employees of Idemitsu Plantec Group
*Reporting period: From January to December
*Figures presented as averages for all industries for business sites of 100 or more employees are cited from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Survey on Industrial Accidents 2023.

Change in intensity rate

*Scope of Reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Including Prime Polymer Co., Ltd. Anesaki Works), Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co., Ltd.*Until FY2021, Chiba Complex includes BASF Idemitsu Co., Ltd..
・Employees: Including employee of group refinery companies listed above
・Employee of partner companies: Including employees of Idemitsu Plantec Group
*Reporting period: From January to December
*Figures presented as averages for all industries for business sites of 100 or more employees are cited from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Survey on Industrial Accidents 2023.

Change in intensity rate

*Scope of Reporting: Hokkaido Refinery, Chiba Complex (Including Prime Polymer Co., Ltd. Anesaki Works), Aichi Complex, Tokuyama Complex, TOA Oil Co., Ltd., Showa Yokkaichi Sekiyu Co., Ltd., Seibu Oil Co., Ltd.*Until FY2021, Chiba Complex includes BASF Idemitsu Co., Ltd..
・Employees: Including employee of group refinery companies listed above
・Employee of partner companies: Including employees of Idemitsu Plantec Group
*Reporting period: From January to December
*Figures presented as averages for all industries for business sites of 100 or more employees are cited from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Survey on Industrial Accidents 2023.

● Composition of Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board

Composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Audit & Supervisory Board Member

●Number of patent applications (published applications)

Trends in the number of patent applications
Trends in the number of patent applications
Trends in the number of patent applications

●Number of registered patents held

Changes in the number of patents held
Changes in the number of patents held
Changes in the number of patents held

●Value of patents held and percentage of patents with high value (company-wide)

Value of patents held and percentage of high-value patents
Value of patents held and percentage of high-value patents
Value of patents held and percentage of high-value patents

●Value of patents held (OLED, Lithium battery materials businesses)


Independent Assurance Report