Fundamental technology

About basic technology

Fundamental technology

The Analytical Technology Center at Advanced Technology Research Laboratories serves as the common platform for the Group, and quickly resolves technical issues faced by research, production, and sales sites by utilizing computational science in addition to advanced and distinctive analytical techniques. In addition, in order to clarify the true nature of Functional materials under development at Advanced Technology Research Laboratories and Performance Materials Laboratories, the Center works with external parties to acquire cutting-edge analytical techniques, thereby contributing to strengthening the Group's business competitiveness.

Main initiatives/research contents - 01

Analysis example

Using DOSY NMR, we simultaneously analyzed the molecular weight distribution of each resin using DOSY NMR for SPS alloy material, which is a mixture of resin (SPS) with a specific three-dimensional structure polymerized using our proprietary technology and other resins. We evaluate resins used in electrical components, etc.


Main initiatives/research contents - 02

computational science

computational science

We contribute to the development of next-generation materials at our company by appropriately interpreting issues at research and development sites, making full use of advanced data science and simulation technology, and quickly presenting solutions based on an accurate understanding of phenomena. Masu.

Idemitsu Kosan research introduction list