List of papers

We would like to introduce some of the main papers.

  • 2024
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
Paper title Magazine Author name
High-speed melt spinning of syndiotactic polystyrene: Effects of molecular weight and copolymerization on structure and properties of as-spun fibers AIP Conference Proceedings Iwamoto T., Oishi E., Kohri Y., Tamura S., Takebe T., Yu Yang, Takarada Wataru, Kikutani Takeshi
Paper title Magazine Author name
Tropo(thio)ne-embedded homoHPHACs: does the tropylium cation induce global antiaromaticity in expanded hexapyrrolohexaazacoronene? Chemical Communications Takase M., Ueno A., Oki K., Matsumoto H., Mori S., Okujima T., Uno H.
40-3: Distinguished Paper: Realization of Ultra-High Efficient Fluorescent Blue OLED Digest of Technical Papers. SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display) Tasaki S., Nishimura K., Toyoshima H., Masuda T., Nakamura M., Nakano Y., Itoi H., Kambe E., Kawamura Y., Kuma H.
4-2: Student Paper: High-Performance, Coplanar Polycrystalline InGaO Thin-Film Transistor for Large-Area, High-Resolution AMOLED Display Digest of Technical Papers. SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display) Rabbi HM, Lee S., Sasaki D., Kawashima E., Tsuruma Y., Jang J.
Formation of High-Frequency Adapted Copper Clad Laminates Composed of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Films Transactions of the Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging (Web) Iwamoto T., Watanabe M.
Realization of ultra-high-efficient fluorescent blue OLED Journal of the Society for Information Display Tasaki S., Nishimura K., Toyoshima H., Masuda T., Nakamura M., Nakano Y., Itoi H., Kambe E., Kawamura Y., Kuma H.
Determination of carbonyl functional groups in lignin-derived fraction using infrared spectroscopy Fuel Fumoto E., Sato S., Kawamata Y., Koyama Y., Yoshikawa T., Nakasaka Y., Tago T., Masuda T.
Improvement of interfacial shear strength between syndiotactic polystyrene and carbon fiber by Self-localization of acid modified poly (2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether) on the surface of carbon fiber Composites. Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing Uematsu H., Sudo K., Eguchi T., Yamaguchi A., Hirata T., Koori Y., Yasuda H., Senga M., Yamane M., Ozaki Y., Tanoue S.
Tracking the heavy metal contaminants entrained with the flow into a Trickle bed hydrotreating Reactor packed with different catalyst shapes using newly developed noninvasive Dynamic radioactive particle Tracking Chemical Engineering Journal Qi B., Farid O.,Franca,VA, Mendil J., Uribe S., Kaneko Y., Sakakura K., Kagota Y., Al-Dahhan M.
Paper title Magazine Author name
Uniqueness of biphasic organosolv treatment of soft- and hardwood using water/1-butanol co-solvent Industrial Crops and Products Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Koyama Y., Ishimaru H., Ohtsuki S., Fumoto E., Sato S., Nakasaka Y., Masuda T.
Numerical simulation and production prediction assessment of Takigami geothermal reservoir Energy Jalilinasrabady S., Tanaka T., Itoi R., Goto H.
Comprehensive Compositional Analysis of Heavy Oil Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry and a New Data Analysis Protocol Energy & Fuels Katano K., Teratani S., Suzuki T., Tanaka R., Kato H., Norinaga K.
Modified Li7P3S11 Glass-Ceramic Electrolyte and Its Characterization ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Uchida K., Ohkubo T., Utsuno F., Yazawa K.
Friction Forces in a Linear-Guideway Type Recirculating Ball Bearing Under Grease Lubrication Journal of Tribology Ohta H., Oguma K., Takane K., Kato S.
Single-Micron Scale Two-Layer Micro AU Chiral Structure with Circulary Polarized Light Absorption in FIR Region IEEE Conference Proceedings Furusawa G., Sekiya T., Nakamura H., Kan T.
Radius of Gyration of Polymer for Viscosity Index Improver at Various Temperatures Evaluated by Small-Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scatterings KURNS Progress Report (Web) Hirayama T., Takahashi R., Takashima Y., Tamura K., Sato N., Sugiyama M., Takada S.
Lettuce-based production of an oral vaccine against porcine edema disease for the seed lot system Plant Biotechnology Matsui T., Takita E., Oiwa S., Yokoyama A., Kato K., Sawada K.
7-4: High Mobility Hydrogenated Polycrystalline In-Ga-O (IGO:H) Thin-Film Transistors formed by Solid Phase Crystallization Digest of Technical Papers. SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display) Furuta M., Shimpo K., Kataoka T., Tanaka D., Matsumura T., Magari Y., Velichko R.,S., Kawashima E., Tsuruma Y.
In-gap states of an amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film studied via high-sensitivity ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy using low-energy photons Applied Physics Express Nakazawa R., Matsuzaki A., Shimizu K.,Kawashima E., Abdi-Jalebi M., Stranks SD, Stranks SD, Tanaka Y., Tokairin H., Ishii H.
Theoretical Studies of Reaction Mechanisms for Half-Titanocene-Catalyzed Styrene Polymerization, Ethylene Polymerization, and Styrene-Ethylene Copolymerization: Roles of the Neutral Ti(III) and the Cationic Ti(IV) Species Organometallics Yi J., Nakatani N., Tomotsu N., Nomura K., Hada M.
Selective aqueous phase hydrodeoxygenation of erythritol over carbon-supported Cu catalyst prepared from ion-exchange resin Applied Catalysis. A: General Wang W., Nakagawa K., Yoshikawa T., Masuda T., Fumoto E., Koyama Y., Tago T., Fujitsuka H.
Improvement of fatty acid productivity of thraustochytrid, Aurantiochytrium sp. by genome editing Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Watanabe K., Perez CMT, Kitahori T., Hata K., Aoi M., Takahashi H., Sakuma T., Okamura Y., Nakashimada Y., Yamamoto T., Matsuyama Keisuke., Mayuzumi S., Aki T.
Roles of Additives to Stabilize Lubricated Rolling-Sliding Contacts Tribology Transactions Iwai T., Nakano K.
Uniqueness of biphasic organosolv treatment of soft- and hardwood using water/1-butanol co-solvent Industrial Crops and Products Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Koyama Y., Ishimaru H., Ohtsuki S., Fumoto E., Sato S., Nakasaka Y., Masuda T.
Evaluation of hydrophilic cellulose nanofiber dispersions in a hydrophobic isotactic polypropylene composite Journal of Applied Polymer Science Morita A., Matsuba G., Fujimoto M.
Paper title Magazine Author name
Radius of Gyration of Polymer for Viscosity Index Improver at Various Temperatures Evaluated by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering KURNS Progress Report Hirayama T., Takahashi R., Takashima Y., Tamura K., Sato N., Sugiyama M.
In-situ evaluation of the carrier mobility using Mott-Schottky-equivalent analysis in organic light emitting diodes Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Takahashi J.
X-ray scattering study on the changes in the morphology of low-modulus polypropylene under cyclic uniaxial elongation Polymer Journal Nishitsuji S., Watanabe Y., Takebe T., Fujii N., Okano M., Takenaka M.
Different Plant Species Have Common Sequence Features Related to mRNA Degradation Intermediates Plant and Cell Physiology Ueno D., Mukuta T., Yamasaki S., Mikami M., Demura T., Matsui T., Sawada K., Katsumoto Y., Okitsu N., Kato K.
Pressure media for high pressure experiments, Daphne Oil 7000 series High Pressure Research Stasko D., Prchal J., Klicpera M., Aoki S., Murata K.
Observation of Liquid Phase Synthesis of Sulfide Solid Electrolytes Using Time-Resolved Pair Distribution Function Analysis Physica Status Solidi. B. Basic Solid State Physics Ohara K., Masuda N., Yamaguchi H., Yao A., Tominaka S., Yamada H., Hiroi S., Takahashi M., Yamamoto K., Wakihara T., Uchimoto Y., Utsuno F., Kimura S .
48-2: Design Strategies of Fluorescent Dopants toward Pure Blue for Highly Efficient Top Emission OLEDs Digest of Technical Papers. SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display) Takahashi R., Ito H., Nakano Y., Shirasaki Y., Masuda T., Mase K., Kawamura Y., Kuma H.
Cavitation Erosion Characteristics of High Bulk Modulus Oils: Preliminary Evaluation Experiment for Hydraulic Equipment Materials Performance and Characterization Kazama T., Aoki S., Kobessho M.
The Influence of Material Roughness, Hardness and Lubricant Additives on Micropitting Behavior in Rolling-Sliding Contacts Tribology Online Ohno T., Greschert R, Lopenhaus C., Brecher C.
Effect of cesium for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 films studied by depth-resolved XAFS Applied Physics Letters Beppu K., Hirai Y., Kato T., Ishizuka S., Ina T., Wada T.
Effect of Annealing on the Electrical and Optical Properties of MgZnO Films Deposited by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering Physica Status Solidi. A. Applications and Materials Science Kushimoto M., Sakai T., Ueoka Y., Tomai S., Katsumata S., Deki M., Honda Y., Amano H.
Transparent Electrode and Buffer Layer Combination for Reducing Carrier Recombination and Optical Loss Realizing over a 22%-Efficient Cd-Free Alkaline-Treated Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Solar Cell by the All-Dry Process ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Chantana J., Kawano Y., Nishimura T., Kimoto Y., Kato T., Sugimoto H., Minemoto T.
Corrosion Resistance of the Sintered Fe-Cu-C, Fe-Cu-Ni-Mo-C and Fe-Cr-Mo-C Alloys Coated with a Rust Preventive Oil Materials Science Forum Sunada S., Hatakeyama M., Hibino K., Tagishi K., Mizukoshi Y., Takeuchi S., Maekawa Y., Nagase N.
Lithium conduction and the role of alkaline earth cations in Li2S-P2S5-MS (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) glasses Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Hamabe K., Utsuno F., Ohkubo T.
Performance evaluation method for cutting fluids using cutting force in micro-feed end milling Precision Engineering Kitamura T., Tanaka R., Yamane Y., Sekiya K., Yamada K.
Effect of Alkali Treatment on Photovoltaic Performances of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Solar Cells and Their Absorber Quality Analyzed by Urbach Energy and Carrier Recombination Rates ACS Applied Energy Materials Chantana J., Kawano Y., Nishimura T., Kimoto Y., Kato T., Sugimoto H., Minemoto T.
22%-efficient Cd-free Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 solar cell by all-dry process using Zn0.8Mg0.2O and Zn0.9Mg0.1O:B as buffer and transparent conductive oxide layers Progress in Photovoltaics Chantana J., Kawano Y., Nishimura T., Kimoto Y., Kato T., Sugimoto H., Minemoto T.
Catalytic cracking of lignin model compounds and degraded lignin dissolved in inert solvent over mixed catalyst of iron oxide and MFI zeolite for phenol recovery Fuel Processing Technology Kawamata Y., Ishimaru H., Yamaguchi K., Yoshikawa T., Koyama Y., Nakasaka Y., Sato S., Masuda T.
Paper title Magazine Author name
Shiga toxin 2eB-transgenic lettuce vaccine is effective in protecting weaned piglets from edema disease caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection Animal Science Journal Hamabata T., Sato T., Takita E., Matsui T., Imaoka T., Nakayama K., Tsukahara T., Sawada K.
Radius of Gyration of Polymer for Viscosity Index Improver at Various Temperatures Evaluated by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering KURNS Progress Report Hirayama T., Takahashi R., Tamura K., Sato N., Sugiyama M., Hino M., Oba Y.
Deposition of Trace Coolant Elements on Flank Face in Turning of mboxInconel 718 Under High Pressure Conditions International Journal of Automation Technology OBIKAWA T., FANG Z., MATSUMOTO W., HATTORI H., MORIGO C.
Evaluation Method for Friction Coefficient of Machining Fluids Using Cutting Force in Micro Feed End Milling Applied Mechanics and Materials Kitamura T., Tanaka R., Yamane Y., Sekiya K., Yamada K.
The Hydrodynamic Radii of Viscosity Index Improvers for Lubricant Oils Tribology Online Tamura K., Nakano T.
Aging Effect of a Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Absorber on the Photovoltaic Performance of Its Cd-Free Solar Cell Fabricated by an All-Dry Process: Its Carrier Recombination Analysis Advanced Energy Materials Chantana J., Nishimura T., Kawano Y., Suyama N., Yamada A., Kimoto Y., Kato T., Sugimoto H., Minemoto T.
Utilization of all components in lignocellulosic biomass by means of Multi-Phase Separation Abstract Book. International Lignin Symposium Koyama Y., Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Nakasaka Y., Masuda T.
Organosolv Technique for Separating Biomass to Each Lignocellulose Component and Application of Recovered Lignin as Useful Chemicals. Abstract Book. International Lignin Symposium Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Koyama Y., Sato S., Fumoto E., Masuda T.
Solution XAS Analysis for Exploring Active Species in Syndiospecific Styrene Polymerization and 1-Hexene Polymerization Using Half-Titanocene-MAO Catalysts: Significant Changes in the Oxidation State in the Presence of Styrene Organometallics Nomura K., Izawa I., Yi J., Nakatani N., Aoki H., Harakawa H., Ina T., Mitsudome T., Tomotsu N., Yamazoe S.
Cd-Free Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 Thin-Film Solar Cell With Record Efficiency of 23.35% IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Nakamura M., Yamaguchi K., Kimoto Y., Yasaki Y., Kato T., Sugimoto H.
Au nano-spiral structure for circular dichroic filter in visible region IEEE Conference Proceedings Furusawa G., Sekiya T., Nakamura H., Kan T.
Effect of cashew nut shell liquid feeding on fermentation and microbiota in the rumen of Thai native cattle and swamp buffaloes Livestock Science Konda S., Onodera R., Kanchanasatit E., Boonsaen P., Sawanon S., Nagashima K., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Kobayashi Y.
Negative impedance of organic light emitting diodes in AC electrical response Journal of Applied Physics Takahashi J.
Kinetic analysis of delignification of cedar wood during organosolv treatment with a two-phase solvent using the unreacted-core model Chemical Engineering Journal Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Aoki H., Koyama Y., Nakasaka Y., Yoshida M., Masuda T.
Preliminary Study on Super Radiation-Resistant Mechanical-Stack Triple-Junction Space Solar Cell: PHOENIX IEEE Conference Proceedings Imaizumi M., Sugimoto H., Ohshima T., Kawakita S.
A Stand-Alone Module for Solar-Driven H2 Production Coupled with Redox-Mediated Sulfide Remediation Energy Technology Obata K., Shinohara Y., Tanabe S., Waki I., Kotsovos K., Ohkawa K., Takanabe K.
Organosolv Treatment Using 1-Butanol and Degradation of Extracted Lignin Fractions into Phenolic Compounds over Iron Oxide Catalyst Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute Kawamata Y., Yoshikawa T., Nakasaka Y., Koyama Y., Fumoto E., Sato S., Tago T., masuda T.
Theory of carrier accumulation in organic heterojunctions Organic Electronics Takahashi J.
Paper title Magazine Author name
Rumen responses to dietary supplementation with cashew nut shell liquid and its cessation in sheep Animal Science Journal Kang S., Suzuki R., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Nagashima K., Kobayashi Y.
Radius of Gyration of Polymer for Viscosity Index Improver at Various Temperatures Evaluated by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering KURRI Progress Report Hirayama T., Takahashi R., Tamura K., Sato N., Sugiyama M., Hino M., Oba Y.
Improvement of breakdown voltage of vertical GaN p-n junction diode with Ga2O3 passivated by sputtering Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Ueoka Y., Deki M., Honda Y., Amano H.
Determination of Hansen Solubility Parameters of Asphaltene Model Compounds Energy & Fuels Morimoto M., Fukatsu N., Tanaka Ryuzo, Takanohashi T., Kumagai H., Morita T., Tykwinski R., Scott E., Stryker M., Gray R., Sato T., Yamamoto H.
Time-resolved pair distribution function analysis of disordered materials on beamlines BL04B2 and BL08W at SPring-8 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation Ohara K., Tominaka S., Yamada H., Takahashi M., Yamaguchi H., Utsuno F., Umeki T., Yao A., Nakada K., Takemoto M., Hiroi S., Tsuji N., Wakihara T .
The evaluation of stretchability and its applications for biaxially oriented polypropylene film Advances in Polymer Technology Kanai T., Egoshi K., Ohno S., Takebe T.
Theoretical analysis of the spunbond process and its applications for polypropylenes Advances in Polymer Technology Kanai T., Kohri Y., Takebe T.
Nanofiber and Nanofiber Powder of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Fabricated by Laser-Heated Drawing of Sea-Island-Type Conjugated-Spun Fiber Journal of Fiber Science and Technology Yasoshima R., Tajima T., Yamaguchi H., Ikaga T., Ohkoshi Y., Kim K.
6-3: Distinguished Paper: Highly Efficient Fluorescent Blue Materials and Their Applications for Top Emission OLEDs Digest of Technical Papers. SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display) Masuda T., Nakano Y., Takahashi Y., Ito H., Okinaka K., Kambe E., Kawamura Y., Kuma H.
Visualization of the carrier transport dynamics in layered Organic Light Emitting Diodes by Modulus spectroscopy Organic Electronics Takahashi J., Naito H.
Direct Gas-phase CO2 Reduction for Solar Methane Generation Using a Gas Diffusion Electrode with a BiVO4:Mo and a Cu-In-Se Photoanode Chemistry Letters Jia Q., Tanabe S., Waki I.