
Idemitsu Group Sustainability Policy

As a reliable partner, the Idemitsu Group fulfills the following three responsibilities through its business activities: "Protect the Environment and Lifestyles," "Support Regional Communities," and "Provide for Society with Technological Capabilities." The Idemitsu Group discloses informat ion appropriately, engages in earnest dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, and aims to enhance its corporate value while remaining a sustainable company that observes the following priority policies.


  • While fulfilling the Idemitsu Group’s crucial social mission of maintaining the stable supply of energy and materials, we continue striving to realize carbon neutrality, not only within the Idemitsu Group but also throughout society.

  • We promote the development of innovative technolog ies, pursue advance mitigation of environmental risks in our business activities, and contribute to the conservation of the natural environment, as well as the realization of a circular economy.


  • The Idemitsu Group places the highest priority on respect for human rights in all its decisions and actions, and strives in its business activities to prevent and ameliorate adverse impacts on human rights.

  • By implementing diversity and inclusion measures, we levera ge our diverse capabilities to grow as a company and contribute to the realization of inclusive societies.

  • Working together with our partners, we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain.

  • We make maximum use of our resources to co create solutions that meet the needs of regional communities.


  • The Idemitsu Group seeks to enhance deliberations by the Board of Directors and continues to improve its effectiveness.

  • We comply with international norms co ncerning the environment, human rights, labor, safety, and anticorruption.

  • We conduct fair and honest management, identify material risks, and implement appropriate risk management measures.

This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.

Effective: October 19, 2021

Idemitsu Group Human Rights Policy

Idemitsu Group believes in the infinite possibilities of “the power of human beings”.By maximizing the full potential of all our employees, trusting, and cooperating with each other, we aim to contribute to the energy security of countries and regions around the world for the brightness and prosperity of the people who live there. With this vision for Idemitsu Group, respecting human rights is at the core of everything we do and is the fundamental element of our business. 
This policy applies to all executive officers and employees of Idemitsu Group. We also expect all business partners, including our suppliers, to understand and comply with this policy.

1.Respect for Human Rights

Idemitsu Group seeks to work in harmony with both the international and local community, and does not allow discrimination against any individual or groups. In addition, we prohibit words or actions that could harm human dignity, be it physically or mentally.
Idemitsu Group respects internationally recognized human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as we conduct business both in Japan and worldwide. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, and the United Nations Global Compact.
Idemitsu Group complies with the laws of the countries and regions where we operate. If local laws contradict internationally recognized human rights standards, we will seek ways to honor the principles of international human rights without violating local laws.

2.Human Rights Due Diligence

Idemitsu Group is committed to implement human rights due diligence in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We work to assess human rights risks in our business activities and take actions to prevent and mitigate the identified negative impacts. 

3.Human Rights Priority Issues

  • (1)

    Promoting diversity
    The Idemitsu Group's vision is to become a Japanese energy co-creation company based on diversity and inclusion, working in harmony with the environment and society while continuing to challenge ourselves to create new value together with our customers and stakeholders. As attached, we have established the "Idemitsu Group DE&I Policy" and are promoting its penetration within the company.

  • (2)

    Prohibition of forced labor
    Idemitsu Group does not allow, nor will be complicit in or benefit from, forced labor. In cases where compliance with local laws alone is not sufficient to meet this commitment, Idemitsu Group will take into account relevant international standards.
    Idemitsu Group does not allow any form of forced or compulsory labor at any stage, including bonded labor, when planning or conducting business operations. Idemitsu Group also does not confiscate identification cards of any of our workers, nor restricts their freedom of movement outside working hours.

  • (3)

    Prohibition of Child Labor
    Idemitsu Group does not allow the use of child labor. We prohibit assigning hazardous or harmful work to young workers.

  • (4)

    Prohibition of Discrimination
    Idemitsu Group is committed to respecting the human rights of all people, creating a work environment that does not harm individual’s dignity, and is free from discrimination.We do not allow discrimination based on race, gender, religion, belief, disability, nationality, ethnic or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, educational background, marital status, job positions, employment type or any other distinctions irrelevant to business skills or experiences.

  • (5)

    Prohibition of Harassment
    Idemitsu Group does not tolerate sexual harassment, power harassment, or other words or actions that constitute as physical or mental harassment, that could make a person feel degraded.

  • (6)

    Freedom of Association and Recognition of the Right to Collective Bargaining
    Idemitsu Group respects employees’ rights to freedom of association, union participation, and collective bargaining. Idemitsu Group further prohibits any intimidation or retaliation against employees who exercise these rights.
    At domestic affiliated companies with labor unions, we have collective labor agreements with in-house labor unions where both parties should work to observe such agreements in good faith.At overseas affiliated companies, by the same approach, Idemitsu Group promotes communication between senior management and employees in order to deepen mutual understanding.

  • (7)

    Maintaining our Working Environment
    Idemitsu Group complies with labor laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we operate, such as minimum wage and reasonable working hours. In addition, we will seek to create a comfortable working environment in consideration of the health and safety of our employees.

  • (8)

    Land, Water and the Use of Natural Resources
    Where Idemitsu Group is involved in acquisition, leasing or use of lands, or development of natural resources, we work to mitigate negative environmental and social impacts resulting from such business operations. We also seek to give due consideration to the rights of the local people who use or live in or around the affected area. We will strive to ensure that living standards are not adversely affected, especially when the affected community is resettled.
    We also work to prevent soil and water pollution so that our business does not negatively impact the local population’s access to safe and hygienic water.

  • (9)

    Respect for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
    Idemitsu Group respects the rights of indigenous peoples arising from their cultures, spiritual traditions, history, and philosophies, in the countries and regions where we operate. In addition, if a potential negative impact related to our business operations is identified, we will strive to avoid, mitigate or minimize such impact.

4.Grievance Mechanisms

Idemitsu Group promotes a culture of communication and feedback, and employees can consult with their supervisors on any concerns related to human rights issues discussed in this policy. Idemitsu Group has a whistle blowing system for executive officers and employees to raise concerns related to actual or potential violations of the Code of Conduct, including human rights-related matters. Idemitsu Group also has a reporting channel for any interested stakeholder to raise concerns related to our business activities. 
Idemitsu Group continues to enhance our capacity to effectively identify our human rights impacts and optimize our grievance mechanisms.

5. Information Disclosure

Idemitsu Group regularly reports our efforts to respect human rights, including through our website and other appropriate channels.

This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.

Effective: December 17, 2019

Idemitsu Group DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Policy

Through the promotion of DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), the Idemitsu Group aims to:

  • Create new value through the interaction and synergy among people with different backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences.

  • Transform into an organization that continuously generates innovation without being bound by existing values

To this end, we will pursue the following:

  • We will not tolerate discrimination of any kind based on job status, employment status, age, gender*, educational background, place of birth, nationality, race, disability, beliefs, religion, or marital status.

  • We respect the diversi ty of each individual's personality, values, and life career.

  • We will strive to give appropriate consideration from a fair perspective to enable each individual to maximize their potential.

  • We will proactively incorporate and utilize diverse perspectives, values, and abilities.

  • We will create a workplace culture in which employees trust each other, enhance each other's skills, and maximize the power of the organization as a whole.

  • Gender refers to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expre ssion.

Compliance Code of Conduct

1. Compliance with laws and regulations, rules, and morals

We will comply with domestic and international laws and regulations, social ethics, internal rules and contracts, and act in good faith as a good corporate citizen.

2.Respect for human rights

We will not tolerate any human rights violations, accept diversity in race, nationality, gender, etc., and create a healthy and comfortable workplace free from harassment.

3.Safety, quality, and environmental protection

We will make every effort to ensure the appropriate quality of our products and services, to prevent accidents and reduce losses caused by disasters, and to act with full consideration for the preservation of the global environment.

4.Fair and free competition

We will conduct business based on fair and free competition.


In conducting our business activities, we will maintain sound and transparent relationships with public officials and the government, both in Japan and abroad.

6. Information disclosure and management

We will disclose information appropriately to society at large, ensure management transparency and soundness, and appropriately manage information held by the company.

Basic policy against workplace harassment

1. Purpose

The Idemitsu Group believes that ''respect for human rights should be given top priority in all decisions and actions,'' and strives for harmony with the international and local communities, and does not engage in acts of discrimination against any party. Furthermore, we do not tolerate behavior or violence that undermines the dignity of others, whether physically or mentally.
This basic policy is based on the Idemitsu Group Human Rights Policy, and aims to ensure a healthy workplace environment free of harassment, with the aim of ensuring that each employee deepens their understanding, that the human rights of all employees are respected, and that their abilities are fully utilized. In order to create a workplace environment where employees can perform to their full potential, this document provides policies for measures to prevent harassment and appropriate responses in the event of harassment.
We also ask our business partners, including suppliers, to understand and cooperate with this policy.

2.Basic policy

<Basic policy against workplace harassment>

I. The company will not tolerate harassment in the workplace or any behavior that undermines the dignity of individuals.

II. The company will continue to implement the following measures to ensure a workplace environment free of harassment.

  • We will thoroughly disseminate the "Guide to Preventing Harassment in the Workplace" within the company.

  • We have established a workplace harassment consultation desk and will respond to a wide range of consultations and complaints.
    In addition, we will take measures such as training to enable the staff at the consultation desk to respond quickly and appropriately.

  • When responding to consultations and complaints, we will protect the privacy of those involved (including sensitive personal information such as sexual orientation, gender identity, medical history, infertility treatment, etc.) and confirm that the consultation took place or the facts of the case. We will not treat you disadvantageously because of your cooperation.

  • If harassment occurs in the workplace, the department's human resources department, consultation desk, and human resources department will work together to solve the problem and prevent it from happening again, including a quick and accurate fact-finding investigation.

  • We will respond resolutely to harassment in the workplace.

  • In addition to conducting training to understand and raise awareness regarding harassment prevention in the workplace, we will continue to enhance preventive and countermeasures that reflect the opinions of each employee.

III. Promotion of the improvement of the workplace environment based on this basic policy is the responsibility of the human resources officer.

Biodiversity guideline

We continue our business activities while utilizing the natural environment (natural capital) consisting of land, water, air, and ecosystems including a wide variety of species and genes.
The importance of passing on the natural environment (natural capital), which is the foundation of social activities, to future generations in an appropriate manner is a value that we have cherished until now. Idemitsu Group Sustainability Policy clearly states that we will contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and the realization of a circular society by reducing environmental risks from our business activities.
This guideline is established as a supplement to the Idemitsu Group Sustainability Policy and as a guideline for further conservation activities in the field of biodiversity included in the natural environment (natural capital).

  • We will accurately grasp the impact of our business activities on biodiversity and strive to reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts.

  • When considering new businesses, we will fully consider the impact from the perspective of biodiversity.

  • We will contribute to the restoration of ecosystems whose biodiversity has deteriorated.

  • We will contribute to the expansion of ecosystems where biodiversity is conserved.

  • We will promote environmental education and awareness of biodiversity.

  • We will strengthen disclosure of initiatives related to biodiversity conservation and expand dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders.

Circular Economy Guideline

1. Objective

Our company group believes in creating a recycling-oriented society by transforming the traditional society of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal, and creating a society that suppresses the consumption of natural Resources and reduces the burden on the environment as much as possible. And our company is striving to reduce the environmental impact by reducing the amount of waste generated and promoting the reuse of raw materials and the use of recycled materials from the perspective of effective Resources use.
Within the Idemitsu Group's sustainability policy, there is a statement that states, "We will promote innovative technological development, proactively reduce environmental risks associated with our business activities, and contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and the realization of a circular society." In addition to complementing the above sustainability policy, this guideline establishes guidelines for further implementation of circular economy activities.

2. Main Text

  • (1) 

    In all existing and future business activities, we will promote the efficient use of resources, minimize waste, and encourage recycling and reuse, thereby reducing environmental impact and ensuring stable procurement of raw materials.

  • (2) 

    Taking into account economic viability, we will create a framework that incorporates demand while making recycling and other costs feasible, and practice the circular economy.

  • (3) 

    We aim to consider recycling and reuse from the product design stage and strive to reuse waste as new resources.

  • (Four)

    Achieving this requires collaboration with related companies and suppliers, including in terms of technology and raw material procurement, and we will promote it based on collaborative partnerships.

  • (Five)

    We will not only educate and raise awareness among employees but also among stakeholders, aiming to foster understanding and widespread adoption of the circular economy.

Corporate Citizenship Activities Promotion Guidelines

Based on our Management philosophy, "Truly inspired," Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. engages in corporate citizenship activities with a focus on "Environment" and "Culture" for the purpose of enriching and bringing peace to the daily lives of the residents in the countries and communities where we conduct business activities.

1. Focus Areas

"Environment" Protect the global environment now and in the future
"Culture" Foster an enriched mind

2.Key Activities

Activities to conserve and regenerate the regional natural environment
Activities to connect people, communities, and the next generation through arts

3. Our values in action

  • (1)

    Employee participation
    To support the voluntary participation of employees and bring the boundless potential of the human beings for the benefit of the society

  • (2)

    Connection with the local communities
    To respect the environment and culture of each region, and conduct activities with the people living in the region in mind

  • (3)

    Leveraging the Group's Strengths
    To utilize the Group's strengths, such as assets and know-how

  • (4)

    Co-creation with the stakeholders
    To work in tandem with diverse stakeholders to co-create values